Ana Júlia Afonso

Andreia Fonseca

Degree in Biochemistry from the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Lisbon Portugal (1993-1999). Thesis of graduation final "Genetics of The Family Ademonatosa Polypose" Instituto Portuguese de Oncology Francisco Gentil Lisboa.

PhD in Biomedical Sciences, specialty in Medical Parasitology (2002-2007). Thesis in "Genetics of artemisinin resistance in malaria using the animal model of malaria" Malaria Center and other Tropical Diseases, Institute of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine Lisbon.

Post-Doctorate in the project "Genetics of resistance to Praziquantel in Schistosoma mansoni" (2007-2009), Institute of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine Lisbon.

Contract of Auxiliary Researcher Group of Helminthology and Medical Malacology, Teaching and Research Unit in Medical Parasitology, Institute of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, Lisbon (2009-2013).

Postgraduate in International Health and Development at the Institute of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, Universidade Nova de Lisboa.

Bolsa de "Jovem Talento" Ciência Sem Fronteiras " Study of drug-resistance to Praziquantel in genetic, proteomic and transcriptomic schistosomose" University of São Paulo and Federal University of São Carlos, Brazil. From January 2014 to 2019.

2018 Master's degree in Clinical Trials and Medical Affairs.

2020 PhD researcher in project No. PTDC/CVT-CVT/28798/2017, Identification of genetic markers underlying genetic resistance to internal parasites in the Merina Branca sheep breed using the OvineSNP50 Beadchip array, National Institute for Agrarian and Veterinary Research (INIAV).

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