Task 8
This task will comprise the development, review and update of an annual dissemination and communication plan for the project activities and results, as well as the definition of the responsibilities of each project partner. The project has a wide range of target groups, where the most import groups are: Farmers, farmer producer’s organizations, associations of sheep breeders, veterinary practitioners and other professionals related to the animal production sector, industry, students (veterinary medicine and other areas related to animal production), general public.
The communication strategy will take into account the different needs for information of the various target groups. Communication tools will include physical and electronic dissemination materials.
Institutions involved and members of the research team in this task

Expected results
This task will assure the communication of project activities and results to a broad audience, promoting the dialogue between the different target groups and scientific collaboration, thus contributing to the consolidation of the project and improvement of the quality of the research.
Dissemination and communication channels will comprise:
- Publication of results in open access international scientific journals.
- Publication of project background information, activities, aims and results in journals for the animal production sector.
- Publication of a Manual of Good Practices for the sustainable control of parasites in sheep farms, with special focus on genetic selection.
- Master and Phd thesis which will be made available online
- Organization/ participation in workshops for farmers.
- Presentations in national and international scientific meetings and conferences.
- Website on project activities and results.