Artigos científicos de circulação internacional com revisão de pares:
Teresa Nogueira; Ana Botelho. "Antimicrobial Resistance Assessment in Aquacultures". In Scholarly Community Encyclopedia. MDPI, 2021. https://encyclopedia.pub/13157. (texto adaptado)
Teresa Nogueira; Ana Botelho. "Metagenomics and Other Omics Approaches to Bacterial Communities and Antimicrobial Resistance Assessment in Aquacultures". Antibiotics 10 7 (2021): 787. https://doi.org/10.3390/antibiotics10070787.
Daniel G. Silva, Célia P.F. Domingues, João F. Figueiredo, Francisco Dionisio, Ana Botelho, Teresa Nogueira. "Estuarine aquacultures at the crossroads of animal production and antibacterial resistance: a metagenomic approach to the resistome". Biology (2022), Biology 2022, 11(11) (2022): 1681: https://doi.org/10.3390/biology11111681.
Teresa Nogueira, Daniel G. Silva, Susana Lopes, Ana Botelho. "Database of metagenomes of sediments from estuarine aquaculture farms in Portugal – AquaRAM project collection". Data 2022, 7(11) (2022): 167; https://doi.org/10.3390/data7110167.
Teresa Nogueira. "Genomic Analysis of Antibiotics Resistance in Pathogens". Antibiotics 11 8 (2022): 1013. http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/antibiotics11081013.
Helena Darmancier; Celia P. F. Domingues; Joao S. Rebelo; Ana Amaro; Francisco Dionisio; Joël Pothier; Octávio Serra; Teresa Nogueira. "Are Virulence and Antibiotic Resistance Genes Linked? A Comprehensive Analysis of Bacterial Chromosomes and Plasmids". Antibiotics 11 706 (2022): https://doi.org/10.3390/antibiotics11060706.
Teresa Nogueira; Ana Botelho; Lucas Bowler; João Inácio. "Editorial: Evolution of Animal Microbial Communities in Response to Environmental Stress". Frontiers in Microbiology (2022): https://doi.org/10.3389/fmicb.2022.860609.
João Rebelo; Celia P. F. Domingues; Francisco Dionisio; Manuel Carmo Gomes; Ana Botelho; Teresa Nogueira. "COVID-19 lockdowns may reduce resistance genes diversity in the human microbiome and the need for antibiotics". International Journal of Molecular Sciences 22 13 (2021): 6891. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijms22136891.
Célia P. F. Domingues; João S. Rebelo; Francisco Dionisio; Ana Botelho; Teresa Nogueira. "The Social Distancing Imposed To Contain COVID-19 Can Affect Our Microbiome: a Double-Edged Sword in Human Health" mSphere (2020): https://doi.org/10.1128/mSphere.00716-20.
Apresentações orais:
2022/09 – “Genomic dynamics and Evolution of Antibiotic Resistance and Bacterial Virulence”, IC2AR 2022 - 5th International Caparica Congress in Antibiotic Resistance, FCT- University NOVA of Lisbon (Portugal). Teresa Nogueira, por convite.
2022/01 – “Dinâmica genómica da resistência a antibióticos em ambientes de aquacultura - o projeto AquaRAM (Genomic dynamics of antibiotic resistance in aquaculture environments - the AquaRAM project)”, WebINIAV, INIAV (Portugal). Teresa Nogueira
2021/10 - Impact of COVID-19 measures on resistance genes diversity in the human microbiome and antibiotic administration - 7th Annual Meeting 2021 Frontiers in E3, cE3c (Lisbon, Portugal). Teresa Nogueira
2021/06 – “Comparative Analysis of the Resistome and the Mobilome of Estuarine Aquacultures and Other Aquatic Environments”, One Health EJP Annual Scientific Meeting 2021, Technical University of Denmark (Copenhagen). Teresa Nogueira
2021/02 - Human connections drive the evolution of metagenomes with virulence and antibiotic-resistance genes - ALPHY 2021: Bioinformatics and Evolutionary Genomics, Université de Grenoble Alpes. Célia Domingues
2020/12 - Human microbiome evolution and antibiotic resistance in pandemic times - XVI ENBE, Universidade de Aveiro (Aveiro, Portugal) - Teresa Nogueira
2020/12 - Human social interactions shape the distribution of pathogenicity and antibiotic resistance genes, XVI ENBE, Universidade de Aveiro (Aveiro, Portugal). Célia Domingues
2020/10 - Understanding the correlation between virulence and antibiotic resistance genes in human metagenomes through computational simulations - 6th Annual Meeting 2020 Frontiers in E3, cE3c (Portugal). Célia Domingues
2019/12 – “AquaRAM: an in silico approach to aquaculture microbial resistance”, 1º Simpósio INIAV para a segurança alimentar sessão satélite “Rumo à Alimentação do Futuro”, INIAV Vairão, Portugal. Teresa Nogueira, por convite
Apresentações sob a forma de painel:
Daniel G. Silva; Celia P. F. Domingues; Dionisio, Francisco; Ana Botelho; Teresa Nogueira. “Estuarine aquacultures at the crossroads of animal production and antibacterial resistance: a metagenomic approach to the resistome”. MicroSummit 2022, 2022.
Daniel Silva; João Figueiredo; Celia P. F. Domingues; Dionisio, Francisco; Maulvault, Ana Luísa; Soares, Florbela; Patricia Anacleto; Ana Botelho; Teresa Nogueira. "Antibiotic resistance determinants in estuarine aquacultures in Portugal". IC2AR 2022 -5th International Caparica Congress in Antibiotic Resistance, 2022.
Helena Silveira; Celia P. F. Domingues; João S. Rebelo; Ana Amaro; Francisco Dionisio; Teresa Nogueira. "Genomic dynamics of virulence and antibiotic resistance in bacterial genomes". XVII ENBE Annual Meeting of the Portuguese Association for Evolutionary Biology, 2021.
Teresa Nogueira.; Cristina Ferreira; Ana Botelho. "Comparative analysis of resistome and mobilome of oyster aquacultures with other aquatic environments". Dare2Change, 2021.
Célia Domingues; João Rebelo; Teresa Nogueira; Joël Pothier; Francisca Monteiro; Francisco Dionisio. "Why is there a positive correlation between the diversity of virulence and antibiotic-resistance genes?". RECOMB 2021 (The 25th International Conference on Research in Computational Molecular Biology), 2021.
Célia Domingues; João Rebelo; Francisco Dionisio; Ana Botelho; Teresa Nogueira. "The Social Distancing Imposed To Contain COVID-19 Can Affect Our Microbiome: a Double-Edged Sword in Human Health". in 6th Annual Meeting 2020 Frontiers in E3, 2020.
João Rebelo; Célia Domingues; Francisco Dionísio; Ana Botelho; Teresa Nogueira. "How the measures imposed due to COVID-19 influence the human microbiome?". Ciências Research Day 2020, 2020.
Teresa Nogueira; Ana Amaro; Cristina Ferreira; Sandra Cavaco; Teresa Albuquerque; Andreia Freitas; Lurdes Clemente; Ana Botelho. "Metagenomic analysis of antimicrobial resistance profiles in aquatic environments". OHEJP ASM 2020, 2020.
Teresa Nogueira; Ana Amaro; Cristina Ferreira; Sandra Cavaco; Teresa Albuquerque; Patricia Anacleto; Ana Malvault; et al. "Antimicrobial resistance determinants in bivalves aquaculture". 1o Simpósio INIAV para a Segurança Alimentar Rumo à Alimentação do Futuro, 2019.
Celia Domingues; Teresa Nogueira; Francisco Dionisio. "Virulence genes and antibiotic resistance genes in microbiomes of human populations – a network perspective". XV Encontro Nacional de Biologia Evolutiva, 2019.
Teresa Nogueira; Ana Amaro; Cristina Ferreira; Sandra Cavaco; Teresa Albuquerque; Patricia Anacleto; Ana Malvault; et al. "In silico metagenomics comparison of antimicrobial resistance profiles in aquaculture environments". AquaImprove - 4th Aquaculture Research Workshop, 2019.
Metagenomas do projeto:
</>Orientação de estudantes:
2022/2025 - Célia Patrícia Ferreira Domingues, “Functional and phylogenetic dynamics of gut microbiomes under antibiotics exposure“, Doutoramento em Biodiversidade, Genética e Evolução (BioDIV), Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal.
(orientador Teresa Nogueira)
2022/2023 - Ilda Andersson Quintana-Lacaci, “Comparative analysis of the genomic profile of metagenomes from estuarine aquaculture sediments across the world”, mestrado em Microbiologia Aplicada, Universidade de Lisboa Faculdade de Ciências, Portugal.
(orientador Teresa Nogueira)
2021/2022 - Daniel Gonçalves da Silva, “Resistome and mobilome of Portuguese aquacultures: metagenomic characterization”, mestrado em Microbiologia Aplicada, Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal.
(orientador Teresa Nogueira)
2021/2022 - João Filipe Mendes Gil Correia Figueiredo, “Comparative resistome, virulome and mobilome analysis of metagenomes from wild and farm animals”, mestrado em Bioinformática e Biologia Computacional, Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal.
(orientador Teresa Nogueira)
2019/2021 - Helena Darmancier Teixeira Moreira da Silveira, “Genetic linkage and selection of pathogenicity and antibiotic resistance in bacterial genomes“, mestrado em Bioinformática e Biologia Computacional, Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade do Porto, Portugal.
(orientador Teresa Nogueira)
2018/2019 – Célia Domingues, "Virulence genes and antibiotic resistance genes in microbiomes of human populations – a network perspective", mestrado em Bioinformática e Biologia Computacional, Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal.
(orientador Teresa Nogueira)
Edição de coleções em revistas científicas de circulação internacional com revisão de pares:
Nogueira, Teresa. Special Issue "Genomic Analysis of Antibiotics Resistance in Pathogens - Second Edition" - Antibiotics Journal (MDPI). https://www.mdpi.com/journal/antibiotics/special_issues/GYU0XG881F.
Nogueira, Teresa. Special Issue "Genomic Analysis of Antibiotics Resistance in Pathogens" - Antibiotics Journal (MDPI). 2020.https://www.mdpi.com/journal/antibiotics/special_issues/Gene_pathogen.
Genomic_Analysis_of_Antibiotics_Resistance_in_Pathogens.pdf (mdpi-res.com)
Nogueira, Teresa; Ana Rosa Botelho; Lucas Bowler; João Inácio. Evolution of Animal Microbial Communities in Response to Environmental Stress. 2020. https://www.frontiersin.org/research-topics/14791/evolution-of-animal-microbial-communities-in-response-to-environmental-stress.
Comunicado de imprensa:
Comunicado de imprensa publicado pela ASM (American Society for Microbiology)
Determinantes da Resistência Antimicrobiana em Ambientes de Aquacultura.
Desdobrável sobre o projeto e as suas principais conclusões.
Abstract Book of the 3rd of the One Health EJP
This event is organized by the European Joint Programme One Health EJP, which has received funding from the European Union’s HorizonThis event is organized by the European Joint Programme One Health EJP, which has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon2020 research and innovation programme under Grant Agreement No 773830.
Comparative analysis of the resistome and the mobilome of estuarine aquacultures and aquatic environments.
Teresa Nogueira
Metagenomic Analysis Of Antimicrobial Resistance Profiles In Aquatic Environments
Presently, antimicrobial resistance ( threatens some of the greatest medical advances Current AMR and pathogen detection are primarily reliant on classical culturing techniques Metagenomic sequencing technology can detect the composition of microbial communities for the assessment of potential pathogens and AMR or virulence genes The rapid growth in aquaculture is likely to be accompanied by a rapid increase in the therapeutic and prophylactic use of antimicrobials, including those that are important in human therapy In this scenario, the AquaRAM (Antimicrobial Resistance Determinants in Aquaculture Environments) project aims at characterizing resistant bacteria and genomic and mobile genetic elements ( determinants of antimicrobial resistance, in intensive aquaculture farms

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